[MacDV] Sorta Off Topic

R B Williams brucewll at comcast.net
Sat Nov 13 04:43:04 PST 2004

There is a name brand cleaner called "Fantastic" that is not harmful to
Mac plastics but does remove grunge quite well. Then, you can use a little
baby oil on a white cloth diaper to smooth surface scratches and give an
even sheen. Do not use any cleaners with an alcohol base or you may create
splotches and lose printed text & logos.

Good Luck, and display them away from sunlight!


Michael Ron wrote:

> I've got an old Mac SE and a Mac Plus that I want to clean up and use
> as some kind of display/decoration. Any ideas on what might be the best
> cleaner material to bring them back to their original beige without
> harming the plastic? They're pretty smudged and dirty. Anyone tackled
> this before?
> Thanks.
> Ron/Memphis
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