[MacDV] Viewing my DVD's made with iMovie and/or FCP

ian tucker carlian at picknowl.com.au
Thu Nov 25 03:15:13 PST 2004

Up until today I have played DVD's I have created by using a DVD player 
attached to a Loewe  TV (around 12 years old with CRT).   I have been 
very satisfied with the clarity, colour etc of the dvd's.

Today, I have installed  a Sharp LCD TV which to replace the Loewe TV 
(the latter  was showing signs of picture shrinkage on the LH side of 
the screen).

I am finding the new LCD TV shows commercial DVD's nice and clearly, 
but when I play my own creations they are showing speckle; they are not 
as clear as before and the colour seems a bit paler.

My own DVD's have been produced in 4x3 format, whereas the new TV is 
16x9.   There is a setting to switch 4x3 on. or off, and also from 
normal to panoramic, but switching from one to the other does not seem 
to make much difference.

Has other Listers any suggestions why my DVD's are not as clear on the 
new TV as they were on the old TV please?

Ian T. 

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