[MacDV] DVR-108 + Panther + Beige G3

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Mon Oct 25 10:18:07 PDT 2004

Jaguar (10.2) can be installed no problem (fully supported by Apple), but
Panther requires the use of a utility called XPostFacto (search
macupdate.com for that), which allows installation of Panther and
dual-booting between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.  And you'd better have plenty of
RAM (I've got 512 MB) -- OS X runs slow enough on these ancient beasts, but
having a good amount of RAM helps a lot.

But what about this burner problem?  It really stinks!

- Mark

On 10/25/04 12:01 PM, Richard Gilmore at rgilmor at uwo.ca wrote:

> I couldn't get OSX to work on my Beige G3 at all. I didn't know it could be
> done.

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