[MacDV] trying to get off this list for 2 years

Peter Tattersall ptatters at zerobyzero.ca
Wed Sep 15 06:00:08 PDT 2004

You can use either of these links:
<mailto:macdv-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com? 

One reason people have difficulty in getting removed from mailing lists  
is that they receive their mail at a forwarded address. Make sure you  
unsubscribe using the same address as you used to subscribe.

Since the list is now (finally) using mailman software you may find the  
web page is helpful. If you have forgotten your password, the list  
server can send a reminder to you on request. Using the link you can  
log in to the MacDV member page and unsubscribe yourself.


Peter Tattersall

On 15-Sep-04, at 8:48 AM, Marisa D'Vari <www.BuildingBuzz.com> wrote:

> Can anyone help? I have made way too many attempts to get off. Please  
> advise.
> <Blank Bkgrd.gif>_______________________________________________
> MacDV mailing list
> MacDV at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
> http://listserver.themacintoshguy.com/mailman/listinfo/macdv

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