[MacDV] Transferring Dish DVR to PB?

Gerhard Kuhn gerhardk at mac.com
Sun Sep 26 13:33:33 PDT 2004

Do you have a Digital Video Camera that you could set up as a temporary 
bridge?  I have done this with my Sony PC9.


On Sep 26, 2004, at 4:07 PM, Brian Olesky wrote:

>>> Anybody know a good way to transfer recorded programming from a Dish 
>>> Network
>>> DVR into my PowerBook?
>> Brian, I've been using a Canopus ADVC-100 A/D converter to capture
>> video directly from a satellite receiver into iMovie. It has both
>> S-video and RCA inputs. I bought it after several people on this
>> list recommended it. Here's its web page:
>> http://www.canopus.us/US/products/advc-100/pm_advc-100.asp
>> Canopus offers a line of products with slightly different feature 
>> sets.
>>> Dish Network tech support says it can't be done, of course.
>> Just curious, what was their reasoning, if any? :-)
> Patty, the Canopus looks great, but all I want to do is grab a few 
> hours of
> old shows to take with me, watch and trash, and $300 is a bit pricey 
> to do
> that.
> As far as Dish's tech support saying it couldn't be done, I suspect 
> their
> call center people aren't techies, just people with a cheat sheet of
> frequently asked questions having to do with DVR problems.
> Thanks,
> Brian
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