[MacDV] Making changes to a VIDEO_TS

Colt Freeman cfreeman at liberty.edu
Thu Dec 8 09:26:02 PST 2005

Google Mac the Ripper and Handbrake, both offer ripping of specific
chapters. Handbrake will recompress them into several different codecs,
while Mac the Ripper rips it into the mpeg2.

On 12/8/05 12:19 PM, "whoisquilty" <whoisquilty at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've got a couple of DVDs that were homemade by another person but I'd
> like to modify them. They are extremely complicated with
> feature-specific chapters, subtitles, and stories. But, I'd like to
> remove some of the features and add others, going from a single-layer
> to a dual-layer disc.
> Is there a way to do this? If it would be easier to rip the material I
> want to use from the disc, are there utilities for ripping chapters
> and stories?
> Thanks for any help.
> Jer
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