[MacDV] tapes

Dreric1kansas at aol.com Dreric1kansas at aol.com
Wed Dec 21 17:12:12 PST 2005

I have had no problem with my dvs , a panasonic 901 and a canon. I use mostly 
maxell which I can get cheaper in packs at Costco.

However it has been recommended in my stormchasing and astronomy listserves 
that I read that people show forward and rewind the tapes as that gets the 
tapes ready. I have not had trouble with tapes eventhough I have not done this 
though. But it is not a bad idea.

Dr. Eric Flescher, (dreric1kansas at aol.com), editor MacsU.N.I.T.E. (Subscribe 
send email to : macsunite-subscribe at egroups.com) , MacCompanion 
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Dr. Eric Flescher ( kcstarguy at aol.com), 
Olathe, KS. USA: Aegean Sea eclipse Land Cruise 2006-be there for my #8: 7 
total solar eclipses and counting: 
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