[MacDV] Importing video, editing, then making DVD

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Mon Feb 21 23:40:01 PST 2005

I have some VHS tapes that I want to record onto DVD.  I have the 
hardware I need, I can import the video into iMovie w/o any problem.

What I am confused about is what program(s) I need to edit the video 
(i.e. if I have 10 minutes of video and want to just take a bunch of 30 
second samples from it).

I have QuickTime Pro, iLife '05 (actually I have '04 now and '05 is 
supposed to arrive tomorrow) and Toast 6 Titanium.  I've had a heck of 
a time trying to figure out whether any of these apps can do this or 
not (I'm brand new at this, as you may have already guessed).

Thanks for any help


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