[MacDV] Toast/copying DVD-R

Karl Seilo ksay11081 at mac.com
Fri Jan 7 10:16:51 PST 2005

Thanks, Jim -- that makes good sense.  I never capture to my boot drive 
so I'm OK there.

On Jan 7, 2005, at 10:59 AM, James Asherman wrote:

> On Friday, January 7, 2005, at 10:50  AM, Karl Seilo wrote:
>> I'm using half of my main internal drive which I've partioned as my 
>> boot drive.  The drive has a capacity of 45.67 G and I'm only using 
>> 15.03 G which leaves me 31.54 G to spare.  I edit my video material 
>> onto a second 100 G internal drive and also use an external 160 G 
>> Maxtor HD for video editing.  Should the 2nd drive and the external 
>> HD need the defrag process?
> Only if you Keep things there between jobs.
> If you do an hour capture and an edit and you decide that you are 
> going to save some clips or audio or the finished video in some form 
> then you might want to occasionally do them.
> When a drive is full this process takes hours. But to straighten out 
> and prepare an empty disc takes seconds.
> I think you have undersized your boot disc. Regardless I would capture 
> to the second drive,
> and use the external for deep storage, and the internal extra 
> partition for current extras that you might keep like photos or music 
> or graphics.
> Jim
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