[MacDV] DV Asset Managment, Logging, etc - Workflow Process

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sat Jan 8 14:44:29 PST 2005

On Saturday, January 8, 2005, at 05:41  PM, Chris S.Newell wrote:

> Currently I'm using iMovie, iDVD, etc, however have been look at the 
> Pro tools, i.e. FC HD, etc.  Not sure if this makes a difference as 
> I'm not sure how the 'import' of assets to the permanent storage 
> device, DVD, are easily accessible by todays or even tomorrows video 
> tools.

Final cut will look at anything you want.
It's easy to look at a rack of thumbnails on any device.
But forget DVD's.
Firewire Harddrives.
Maybe someone knows of some mounted/removable drive rack.

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