[MacDV] Re: LiveType

sb videovideo at mac.com
Sat Jan 15 09:16:20 PST 2005

I couldn't disasgree more strongly. Poking around in FCP 4.5 will never make
you a skilled FCP editor. There are so many features and work flows that are
not apparent. 

For instance, FCP 4.5 has the auto select functionality, and there are now 5
clip types. 
And, I doubt someone poking around Livetype, Soundtrack, Compressor will
learn all their features and best work flow either. If you read the Apple
Discussion boards for these apps, you will find plenty of posts from
frustrated people trying to figure out these apps without taking a course,
buying a book, or even reading the manuals.

I'm way more likely to offer assistance to someone having difficulties when
I see they've tried to learn by buying an good book.

 my .02


On 1/14/05 8:50 PM, "Mark M.Florida" <markf at squareblue.com> wrote:

> I say jump in and learn on-the-fly.  FCP 4/HD isn't much different than
> 3, other than the fact that there's way more real-time stuff you can do
> with it -- especially on a high-end G5! :-)  As usual with Apple apps,
> they're all pretty intuitive, and if there's something you can think of
> that you wish it could do, some software engineer's already thought of
> it and put it in there (although After Effects is the all-time greatest
> app for that).
> 2 cents.
> - Mark
> On Jan 14, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Daniel Beck wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Just ordered my new Dual 2.5 G5 along with the Production Suite. I
>> have used FCP3 for several years, but I have no experience with the
>> new apps and would like book recommendations. In particular, I would
>> like to pick up good books to help me with Soundtrack and LiveType. I
>> don't mind if they are general FCP books so long as they cover these
>> two apps well.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Daniel

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