[MacDV] Re: All black and no sound

sb videovideo at mac.com
Wed Jul 20 08:30:23 PDT 2005

You need to explain what you are doing in more detail.
You open up L&C, and then what?

(If you are using escape key to stop capture, you must be using Capture Now,
but I'm just guessing here.)

And, what OS and FCStudio versions are you using?



On 7/20/05 5:04 AM, "Paul Moortgat" <paul.moortgat at pandora.be> wrote:

> I'm new in FC Studio and when I connect my Sony TRV900E to the Mac I
> get a video image and no sound.  When I press the escape key to stop
> the recording I just get a black screen.  No video is saved.
> Any help is welcome.
> Paul Moortgat

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