[MacDV] Re: What's the frequency Kenneth?

Richard Gilmore rgilmor at uwo.ca
Fri Jul 22 06:42:44 PDT 2005

I'm disappointed. 

On 21/7/05 11:57 AM, "Timothy Luoma" <lists at tntluoma.com> wrote:

> On Jul 21, 2005, at 8:55 AM, Richard Gilmore wrote:
>> I've been following this thread with interest and I was wondering
>> what was
>> going to happen with the analog frequencies? But I think this has been
>> answered? I was kind of hoping once the networks left the analog
>> air that
>> those frequencies would be free for private individuals to use a
>> bit like
>> the way AM radio is becoming. I could see a flourishing underground
>> backyard
>> low power analog TV broadcasting revolution in the making with the
>> airwaves
>> literally given back to the people. With billions of analog TVs
>> floating
>> around it's something that could last for decades. But will those
>> frequencies be open?
> Reply 1: My you are an optimist :-)
> Reply 2: Oh hell no. The whole reason this is happening is that the
> gov't wants to be able to sell that air space:
> "Uncle Sam is eager for the transition - going so far as to set up a
> DTV promotional website - since they stand to make an estimated 30-70
> billion dollars off the resale of the spectrum. That spectrum is
> freely loaned to broadcasters, and would be re-used for high-speed
> wireless voice and data services."
> cite: http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/65479
> No secret at all, the government wants the "free" airwaves back so
> they can sell them.

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