[MacDV] iBook as iMovie platform

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Sun Jul 31 15:46:09 PDT 2005

> iDVD does not work on the G3 ibook. You need a G4 or better. 
> You can burn DVDs with a stand alone DVD burner and use 
> Toast Platinum or similar, just not Apple's iDVD.

Toast is SLOOOW (even on a G5, let alone a G3), but it may work if you 
start the encoding before you go to bed and let it go overnight.  But 
I've never had luck encoding DVDs from DV source with Toast -- it always 
seems to screw up the field order, resulting in a "stuttering" picture 
when there's motion.  A third-party app like ffmpeg or MPEG2 Works may 
work faster and more reliably than Toast (but it's not nearly as easy to 

- Mark

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