[MacDV] Burning CD's

Garry Stokes garry.stokes at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 17:26:41 PDT 2005

1 copy current data somewhere else
2. tell toast you are going to burn a new iso9660 data disk
3. import session of your choice

4. Burn
Start again at 1 until finished
Throw away that cd!

> From: tucker ian <carlian at picknowl.com.au>
> Reply-To: "A place to discuss digital video on Macintosh."
> <macdv at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 08:58:03 +0930
> To: <macdv at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Subject: [MacDV] Burning CD's
> I realize this is OT, but I would like some advice please.
> I always save a copy of any upgrades etc. by burning same to a CD in
> Toast Titanium 6.   I usually add several "Sessions" to the one CD.
> Recently, in a hurry, I burnt additional sessions to two CD's and
> instead of selecting "Data" in the Toast window I accidentally left
> the settings on "Video" and now one CD will only allow me to access
> the most recent Session and the other, the first Session.
> Is it at all possible to retrieve the information stored in the other
> Sessions ?
> TIA,
> Ian T.
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