[MacDV] Re: Canopus ADVC 110 with Powerbook

Timothy J. Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Mon Mar 7 09:56:38 PST 2005

...... Original Message .......
On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 08:49:48 -0500 "Donna Bowers" 
<blktauna at shawstudios.com> wrote:
>Timothy Luoma wrote:
>> I am looking to purchase an ADVC 110 [1] when I saw this
>> "ADVC110 does not require a power supply when used with a 6-pin FireWire 
>> cable."
>I have a 100 and love it.
>And I'd plug in on principal, But indeed that's the right firewire cable.

I will test it to see how it works sans powercord.

I ordered the 110 today after my wife returned the Pinnacle Deluxe Movie 
9.. I can't believe Circuit City took it back.. The styrofoam was gone and 
our 2 year old had mashed the box (because I didn't put it off the floor).  
But they definitely gained my future business (unfortunately they don't 
sell the Canopus, which I've just realized is an unfortunate sounding name).


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