[MacDV] Transferring files from Mac to DVD/HDD combo unit?

Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com
Sun Mar 13 17:40:28 PST 2005

On Mar 13, 2005, at 2:49 PM, Patty Winter wrote:

> I just bought a Sony DVD Recorder/Hard Disk Drive combo. It
> has a 4-pin Firewire (i.Link) input that's intended to import
> DV video from a camcorder. I'm wondering whether I can use it
> to send DV-format files from my Mac to the hard drive, then
> make DVDs from it. Does anyone here know whether it's possible
> to do that?
> I know that I'd need to buy a 4-pin to 6-pin Firewire cable,
> but then how would I get the Mac to send the data to the HDD?
> In the case of a camcorder, according to the user's manual,
> the Sony unit would start the camcorder playing back its video.
> I don't that working with the Mac. Nor can I think of what
> software I might have that would send video out the FW port.
> Is it possible to mount the HDD on the Mac's desktop and drag
> files to it? Or is this whole idea simply not going to fly?

This article explains how you can do what you want with free software  
from Apple.


Good luck,
Nick Scalise
nickscalise at mac.com

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