[MacDV] CBR vs VBR

Brett Conlon brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au
Wed May 11 18:38:42 PDT 2005

Hi again,

Sorry for asking so many questions, but maybe there are others with 
similar questions but haven't asked them.  8-}

If I have say 1.5hrs footage and I'm burning it to a dual layer disc 
(meaning there will be plenty of room) is there any point in choosing VBR 
(Variable Bit Rate) as opposed to setting it to 8mbps CBR (Constant Bit 

The VBR setting doesn't offer me any better quality than setting it to a 
high CBR value, correct? All I'd be doing is wasting encoding time 
choosing VBR, correct?

The only reason I should choose VBR is if the project size requires better 
space savings or if a DVD player cannot handle streaming a high CBR, 

In my case my player has no troubles with playing the 8mbps CBR discs I've 
burned, ie. no skips.

I'm sure there's more to it....

I'd appreciate your advice.



ps. this question leads me to my next question on eeeking out more quality 
which I'll ask in another email.

"Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question 
and you're a fool for the rest of your life.  Chinese Proverb
... unless you ask foolish questions!  ;-D

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