Vewy pwactical. Now can you get wid of a matblack ? Please? Jim On May 15, 2005, at 1:06 PM, sb wrote: > Do you know how to keyframe in FCP? > > In FCP there are usually a bunch of different ways to do the same > thing, so > this is just a fairly quick and easy way. > > Draw the line in PS (use the map still frame on a separate layer to > trace > the route). > Save and Import into FCP (layers will stay intact). You can delete the > map > still frame layer and use the one already imported, or use the imported > multilayer one, whichever. > > Add to correct place in the timeline in any of the usual ways, on a > video > track above the map still, setting the correct duration. > > Doubleclick to open red line sequence into the viewer. > > Reposition the red line using the Move tool in the Canvas, if > necessary to > get it lined up correctly. > > In the Viewer, Click on the Motion tab, reset the Scale to 100%, and > animate > the line being drawn by keyframing a crop of the line. Use easing and > smoothing in the keyframes, if needed. > > Your ending keyframe will show the entire red line, uncropped. > > The beginning keyframe will show the entire red line completely > cropped. > > Add as many midpoints as you wish, to pause the cropping to match your > narration. > > regards, > > sb > > On 5/15/0