[MacDV] Burning a DVD via a disc image...

Brian Olesky brian4 at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 18 10:25:44 PDT 2005

On 5/18/05 11:38 AM, "Alex" <alex at fotomotion.net> wrote:

> Hi Brian
> The purpose of creating a disk image is so that you can check out the
> contents of your cd/dvd or whatever
> before you burn the data to its final format.


> They tend to be less corruptible (than a folder full of files) and the
> data within them is inviolate. (if they are read only :-)
> This is why most downloads on the net, at least for the Mac, tend to be
> disk images and not the straight installer or files.
> Hope this answers your query
> Alex
Yes, it does, along with several other helpful responses from other people
in the group. One thing I find interesting about this list is that we're all
using variations on the same tools to get to the same end result--a finished
DVD--but the ways we go about it seem to have an infinite variety.

Thanks (as usual),

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