[MacDV] 2GHz iMac v's 2.3GHz (dual) tower

Neil Poese npoese at earthlink.net
Tue May 31 06:34:01 PDT 2005

Sure, always get the biggest screens and fastest processors possible, 
but I'm getting by running FCP4 in a high school video lab with eMacs 
chugging along with as low as 1ghz and 512 k of ram. But these sure beat 
flogging the original B&W G3s running FCP 1. Now that was rough! It's 
not black-and-white, it's more a matter of what you can afford.

Neil Poese

Kunga wrote:

> I'm using dual 2.5 with two Dell Monitors. 1920x1200 and 1600x1200. I  
> strongly vote against any iMac for video editing.
> k
> On May 29, 2005, at 7:54 AM, Phelim Lunny wrote:
>> The 2GHz iMac looks like great value at $1.7k... big screen, decent  
>> video
>> card etc.
>> But the *dual* 2.3GHz has double the bus size and FW800 and looks more
>> suited to FCP 5.
>> Would the iMac handle FCP at a decent speed (with just 2GB RAM) or  
>> is it a
>> no-brainer?
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