[MacDV] Jaggy menus in DVD SPro 4

Brett Conlon brett.conlon at SonyDADC.com
Wed Oct 26 19:41:06 PDT 2005

Hiya Joey,

I meant to respond to this earlier and thank you for the link ... 
interesting reading.

I did end up finding out what my problem was.... some of my menus were set 
up as 641 X 481 instead of 720 X 576 and DVD Studio Pro was doing a lousy 
job of resizing them (compared with what Photoshop does). I have no idea 
why some of them were not correct. I resized them in PShop and that made 
all the difference.



"Granville S. Kennedy, III" <gskiii at verizon.net>

You could do worse than to read this :


                                 Joey Kennedy.

No PGP on my back-up laptop :-(

On Oct 20, 2005, at 9:34 PM, Brett Conlon/HU/AU/SonyDADC wrote:

> Hiya,
> I've been testing DVDSpro v4 (on loan) and have created a project but 
> the menus look far too jaggy in the final DVD - especially the text.
> The files are (PAL) 720 X 576 saved as Photoshop psd - one layer for 
> button overlay. All text is done in Photoshop.
> All looks peachy in the Photoshop Image but the final encoded DVD 
> looks much worse that I think it should.
> Any ideas?
> Coj
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