[MacDV] Digital Cable HDTV to a G5

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sat Feb 4 12:17:20 PST 2006

I just started a new yahoo group about this using the EyeTV2 software  
plus hardware HD tuner to your Mac G5 DVR. You hook your cable  
directly to the EyeTV 500 tuner and it feeds your Mac HD via Firewire  
400. New USB 2 Tuner about to be released from Miglia. But be ready  
for LARGE originals. Each hour show is 7 gross and 4-5 net (42 mins)  
then you have to crush to iPod size about 500 MB. Quad G5 is  
preferable for this work.


You can join the new group here:

  To visit your group on the web, go to:

Taylor Barcroft http://www.blogger.com/profile/11159903
New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster
Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley
URL http://FutureMedia.org
RSS http://feeds.feedburner.com/FutureMedia
iTunes http://tinyurl.com/8ql87

On Feb 4, 2006, at 12:00 PM, David DelMonte wrote:

> This has probably been asked a couple of times before, but I cant  
> find anything appropriate.
> I have Comcast HDTV inputs. Everything goes component video and  
> digital audio.
> I can of course bring the audio to my G5 (and back).
> Is there a reasonable solution to bring in HD Video?
> Thanks!
> David

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