[MacDV] Powerbook to Plasma display

Dennis Fazio dfz at mac.com
Tue Feb 28 18:45:25 PST 2006

On Feb 28, 2006, at 3:13 PM, David Minard wrote:

> I was hoping to hook up my 12" Powerbook (G4) to a Pioneer  plasma  
> TV (model PDP-4350SX) which has an HDMI input. Any thoughts on  
> whether this is doable?

Should be, though you may not be able to fill the screen. It might be  
easier and probably cheaper to connect with a VGA cable. Second  
choice would be DVI. HDMI is the priciest and since you don't have  
audio going through it, you might as well use VGA or DVI.

Dennis Fazio
dfz at mac.com

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