[MacDV] Writing to CDs

Walt Bagnara vbyahvb at yahoo.com
Tue May 23 10:39:56 PDT 2006

This maybe the wrong place to wirte to about this, but maybe you can help, or
point me to where I can get the info.

I'm trying to write multisession files to a CD on a Mac with OS 10.4.6. After I
write the files and mount the disc, all I get is the last session of data. I
know the other data is there, because I can see it with Toast on the Mac. But I
can't access it as data to copy or view. On my Windows XP machine I can write
data to a CD multiple times and see all the files I've written. Right from the
desktop. It treats the CD as almost a hard drive or volume. Is there something
I'm missing about the Mac?


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