[MacDV] Moving iMovie project from one machine to another

Allan allan at dsol.co.uk
Tue Oct 31 08:35:29 PST 2006

Export the finished project as a DV quality file to the desktop and  
send that to the computer with a DVD burner.

If the project is to be burnt in iDVD and iDVD i installed on the  
computer without the DVD burner, send it to iDVD and set up menus and  
sound as you wish, then export it as a disk image. Transfer that to  
the computer with the DVD burner and complete.

Allan Johns

On 31 Oct 2006, at 15:51, Richard Gilmore wrote:

> Hi all,
> I had someone who created an iMovie project on one machine without  
> a DVD
> burner and when we tried to move it to another machine with a DVD  
> burner the
> project did not survive the transfer.

> Is there a way to transfer a project?

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