[MacDV] Filming & editing in FCP in HDV, but then saving & burning in SD

carlian carlian at picknowl.com.au
Wed Apr 18 20:06:01 PDT 2007

Hi All,

I hope this posting goes through as I have not sighted any for quite  
some time.

  I have only recently, with the help of other list members,  got on  
top of editing and saving in FCP and then importing,  formating and  
burning in DVD Studio Pro.

I recently purchased a HDV Sony camera and have edited my films in  
HDV in FCP 5.1.4, but I , like most others at this time, do not have   
Blue Ray facilities to save large projects.

A film of 53 minutes that I made and edited at the weekend when  
imported  to DVD Studio Pro became over 11 gigs long.  I dragged the  
QT movie exported from FCP into Toast 8.0.1 and produced a film on a  
normal DVD disc, but when ever there is any quick movement the  
"venetian blind" patterning appears..... I assume from not de- 
interlacing (which I can't find to apply).

Could someone advise me the steps to take after I have edited the  
film in HDV in FCP   ie. what settings do I use to convert the  
finished HDV product in FCP to QT and subsequently, what preference  
settings do I use in DVD Studio Pro 4.1.2  to enable the complete  
film to be burnt on a 4.7 gig DVD.

At the present time formating in  DVD SP aborts when around about  
half way through the process and the log says it has failed because  
the destination space is inadequate .

Should I be looking at Blue Ray facilities at this time.  If the  
response is "no" then I intend to export a HDV copy back onto the  
mini-DV  tape in the camera and burn it to Blue Ray (or its  
alternative) when it has been adopted as the future replacement for DVD.


Ian Tucker,


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