[MacDV] DVD for friend in Australia

Jeff Fay fnjaf at uaf.edu
Thu Jul 19 17:33:50 PDT 2007

Here's an Apple help doc that outlines what you have to do to convert 
your NTSC project to PAL:



Patty Winter wrote:
>    >From: David Minard <dminard at rcn.com>
>    >I am planning to make a DVD for friend in Australia (iMovie > IDVD).  
>    >What formatting issues will come up with this? PAL? DVD regions?  
> Region encoding is something that commercial DVD producers do, David.
> All you have to do is make sure that you set your DVD preferences for
> PAL. (Hmmm, at least, I think that's all. Anyone know of other gotchas?)
> Patty
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Jeff Fay
You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.

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