Hi again - For years, I edited a lot of video using an iMac 800KHz with 768 MB ram and the original Final Cut Express. After a layoff, I'm getting back into video editing. At the moment, I'm trying to use a Mac Mini 1.4 GHz with 512MB ram and Final Cut Express HD 3.0. This combo works, but it seems to be much more sluggish than the old setup. Since it's costly to increase the ram in a Mini, I'm thinking about trying to move my video editing to my MacBook with the original Intel cpu. I can easily upgrade this machine to 2 GB ram. So, do you think Final Cut Express HD 3.5 will run smoothly on the MacBook? Would I be forced to start by installing Final Cut Express 1.0 on the MacBook, then installing the HD 3.0 upgrade and then the HD 3.5 upgrade? I recall that when I installed the HD 3.0 upgrade, I was surprised to learn that I would have to hunt down the old FCE 1.0 serial number - even though 1.0 was already installed on the machine! Thanks, Steve R.