[MacDV] Copy DVD for iPhone Viewing

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Mon Sep 17 06:35:57 PDT 2007

---- Ken Schneider <ken at schneider.net> wrote: 
> I used Mac The Ripper to rip one of my new "Heroes" DVD's and then  
> used HandBrake to convert it to put it on my iPhone.  The only  
> problem is that the 4 episodes on the DVD come out as a single mp4  
> file.  I can't figure out how to make it 4 separate files - one for  
> each episode.

I don't know how TV series DVD's are layed out but HandBrake let's you choose chapters in DVD's. 

You can even queue them up and rip them one after the other and have HandBrake name them how you want.

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at cox.net

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