[MacDV] New iMovie

Tim Selander selander at tkf.att.ne.jp
Sun Oct 12 06:29:35 PDT 2008

I don't have iMovie8, but thought I could find the answer for you 
on the net. The answer I found is dumbfounding -- as you've 
discovered there is no record to camera option in iMovie8!!!

most people seem to be going back to iMovie 6, which you can 
download for free as an iMovie8 owner.

If going to iMovie6 is not an option for you, there is a little 
free program from Apple that will let you play quicktime movies 
out your firewire ports to the Canopus box. It's called Simple 
Video Out. There is a good article about it here, and there is 
the link to download the software in the article too:

You would have your students edit in iMovie8, save to a Quicktime 
movie. The Getting Started manual for iMovie8 that I found online 
says, "If you want to retain copies of your rendered movies that 
you can access outside of the Media Browser or iTunes, see the 
topics about sharing and exporting in iMovie Help." So you'll 
have to study the iMovie Help to figure out how to save a 
Quicktime movie. Once you have that movie, you should be able to 
use Simple Video Out to play it out to the Canopus an record on tape.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Mary Ann wrote:
> I am a high school teacher and my school has just installed iLife'08. I'm
> part way through the tutorial, and need to start using the program with my
> students very soon. I've run into a problem.
> The machines are not networked. Normally, the student's projects are
> collected from each machine onto a "Master" tape (using a Canopus box and
> VCR set-up). I know tape is really outdated technology, but it allows me to
> gather all the work in one place, to grade it, and then play-back to the
> whole class for review and sharing. (Not all the machines can burn DVD's so
> it wouldn't be an option to collect 22 individual DVD's)
> We are still following this procedure for the advanced students who edit
> with Final Cut Express, but the beginner students use iMovie. I don't know
> how to get the new imovie to "send out to camera" or "print to video" as we
> do in Final Cut. 
> There are a lot of choices under the new iLife'08 menu (apple TV, web
> streaming), but don't include anything as old-fashioned as camera or
> videotape. Even more confusing is that the tutorial explains how to send the
> finished product to iTunes. Why would I want it there? Can that help me?
> I thought someone out there may understand:
> 1. how can I get an iMovie'08 project out to a Canopus box and VCR?
> 2. Why would I export a video product to iTunes? Will that step help it get
> to the Canopus/VCR?
> While there may be an answer, down the road, to change our hardware set-up
> to share work on a web server or something, that is not something that can
> be done today. Hope someone can help with my immediate problem.
> Mary Ann  
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