Thanks Ted
I'm using Final Cut Express 2.
I think there is a low end filter available.
I'll give it a try.

Ted Langdell <> wrote:

Ted Langdell
Ted Langdell Creative Broadcast Services
Marysville, CA
Main: (530) 741-1212

You might try using a low-cut filter or some other filter that will let
you knock off the bottom end of that track's audio. Don't know what
editing software you're using, so I can't be specific about what to use
and how to use it.

Getting rid of wind noise is one reason there's a low-cut filter on
many shotgun mikes. It helps when the foam windscreen isn't able to do


> On 5/14/05 11:00 AM, "Vtstream" wrote:
>> Ahh1.. Thank you very much.
>> Second there a way to filter out wind noise hitting the
>> mic?

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