[MV] Re: Transcription from a Device

Chuck Rogers theChuck at mac.com
Thu Dec 26 18:27:26 PST 2002

Patrick (and everyone else):

I had to edit the instructions down considerably in order to conform to 
MacVoice's 10K limit. It is assumed the experienced ViaVoice user would 
know how to manipulate the program to accommodate the new profile. No 
such assumptions are made in the book, however.

There are actually a couple of options. One is to backup the old 
profile by removing it from the User's folder, which will force 
ViaVoice's Set Up Assistant to create a new user from scratch.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers

On Thursday, December 26, 2002, at 08:21  PM, T. Patrick Henebry wrote:

> There are a few problems with this in ViaVoice because of how it 
> handles profiles.   basically you may need to KEEP the profile rather 
> than trash it and CREATE A 2nd VOICE MODEL instead.
> ViaVoice handles users a bit differently under OS X.

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