[MV] iDictate status

tscheresky tscheresky at micron.com
Fri Feb 7 13:55:41 PST 2003


I'm looking forward to that new version of iListen.  Any estimates on when
it will be released??  Thanks...

-----Original Message-----
From: Donald MacCormick [mailto:donald.maccormick at macspeech.com]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 2:30 PM
To: MacVoice, Speech Recognition List
Subject: [MV] iDictate status


Currently, there are no plans to release iDictate.



On 7/2/03 3:24 PM, "Pete Dako" <petedako at sympatico.ca> wrote:

>> Of the three, PlainTalk actually comes the closest to what you want -
>> but even with it, the command must still be created before it can be
>> used. I don't think that is going to change any time soon.
> actually if you enable Speakable Items and Universal Access in Jaguar
> (10.2.3) you can say the name of just about any menu, window, button
> in a command and do an awful lot before you have to write any apple
> scripts whatsoever.
> To experiment with this open Speakable Items and say "Show Me What To
> Say" and/or open the Commands window which lists available voice
> commands
> Be forewarned that there is a wee bug currently when using the
> combination of all 5 Universal Access options together with speakable
> items--specifically with "Front Windows" option enabled,   the Finder
> windows won't stay open, but so long as one knows that you can toogle
> the feature on/off... and if you are not  in the Finder ...say you
> are websurfing in Safari you can just say the name of a menubar
> bookmark to have safari switch to that page (for example)
> also before writing apple scripts you can add voice commands for
> command key actions -- say MAKE THIS APPLICATION SPEAKABLE and then
> in the application say DEFINE KEYBOARD COMMAND
> re: Apple Script foriTunes posted in last digest
> tell application "iTunes" to pause
> just pauses iTunes
> tell application "iTunes" to playpause
> will toggle playing  on and off
> ---
> Chuck, or Donald  or anyone...what is the status of "iDictate" please?
> Recent Mac-Speech Digests led me to believe there was a (free?)
> dictation-only product  from MacSpeech is that correct? No mention of
> it at the MacSpeech website...

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