[MV] Re: text to speech to mp3/audio cd

Chuck Rogers theChuck at mac.com
Mon Feb 17 22:26:24 PST 2003

Randy (and everyone else):

"message_text" is a variable that needs to be replaced with what you 
want spoken. Try this instead:

	property default_voice : "Bruce"
	property target_file : "drive1:test:testAUDIO.aiff"

	set message_text to "Hello World!"
	say "[[rate 300]]" & message_text using default_voice --saving to 

The script above will actually speak the text, which is the first thing 
you should do to make sure it is working properly. To make it save in a 
file, you would need to populate the other variable, which is 
"target_file," like this:

	property default_voice : "Bruce"
	property target_file : "drive1:test:testAUDIO.aiff"

	set message_text to "Hello World!"
	set target_file to "Test Message"
	say "[[rate 300]]" & message_text using default_voice saving to 

This will save an audio file on the main level of your hard drive 
called "Test Message."

Hope this helps.

Chuck Rogers

On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 11:51  PM, Randy Decker wrote:

> I would really like to run this script. I tried the script below but 
> it returned an error. Do you have a reference for the script.

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