[MV] Re: "processing failed"

Camner camner at iname.com
Mon Jul 21 07:48:10 PDT 2003

Thank you.  You are so helpful to the members of this list.

I am going to be creating a new voice profile at some point (new mic), but
wasn't intending to create a new user, since I would want to keep the
macros/special words I have created.

on 7/21/03 1:04 AM, T. Patrick Henebry at tphenebry at comcast.net wrote:

> On 7/13/03 1:46 AM, "Camner" <camner at iname.com> wrote:
>> "Processing failed (rc=0 in step 2"
>> There was more, about why this might have happened (such as not allocating
>> enough virtual memory, which is unlikely).
>> I vaguely remember someone posting something about this on this listserv
>> before, but I cannot remember the details.
>> Has any one seen this and found a way to work around it?
> Robert,
> My apologies for the long delay in responding to this message other than
> asking if you had in the update installed.
> I have been on able to locate the name of the specific file which you may
> need to manually delete in this situation in order to have processing
> continue normally in the future.  If I remember correctly, (it has been
> quite some time since I encountered in this error myself) The program will
> sometimes give you the option to delete the recorded speech when this error
> occurs.  
> Previously I had that feature of ViaVoice turned off as I found it of
> dubious value once a voice profile is well trained.  Unfortunately, once you
> turn this feature off the only way to access it again is to create a new
> user.  I have now done so.  Hopefully ViaVoice will prompt me to analyze my
> recorded speech before too long.  In which case, maybe I will be able to
> locate the specific file that contains the recorded speech ViaVoice whishes
> to analyze.  
> I will keep you posted.

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