[MV] Re: ViaVoice vs. iListen

Phil Tanny support at easy-hits.com
Tue Jun 17 06:51:55 PDT 2003

OK, thanks for the advice below.   That is very helpful to know.
I'll skip that route.

I guess the next logical question then would be,  is Windows voice
recog software better than the Mac offerings in this point in time?  

If yes, is it enough better to justify the purchase of a Windows 

Let me be the first to type "that depends!" :-) because of course
it's true that a persons individual situation is the key element
of  the equation.

Really I'm just hoping for a ballpark estimate such as,
is Windows voice recog software 5% better, 25% better,
50% better etc.  Or is it not actually better at all?

Any opinions?


tscheresky at micron.com wrote the following on 6/17/03

>Voice recognition demands a lot of computing power that emulation
>software and current hardware cannot provide.  If you want to use Windows
>voice recognition, invest in a Windows PC.  Besides if your PC experience
>is not what you expected, you can always use it as a boat anchor.  :-)

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