[MV] Re: ViaVoice vs. iListen

Brian Farley pwi at vzpacifica.net
Thu Jun 19 13:02:22 PDT 2003

On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 03:44 am, Andrew Taylor wrote:

> This puts a spotlight on why speech recognition on the Macintosh is in 
> the state it is in. "Big business" makes its decisions based on "big 
> numbers" that they haven't found in the Macintosh market.

There are markets that have big numbers, for example:
* 54 million Americans with disabilities, but I don't know the 
percentage of those who could benefit from speech recognition.
* Those good folks who never learned how to use a typewriter.

If I were Apple or IBM, I would look for a speech recognition program, 
elements or processes of which would be easily adaptable to appliance 
use, and which the user could modify or customize.  SR as a stand-alone 
program, would be the development end, and the spinoff would be the 
money making end.   JM2¢


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	--US Army Officer on hunt for MWDs in Iraq

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