[MV] Bluetooth headset

Frank Flynn frank at declan.com
Thu Feb 12 12:46:16 PST 2004

It would be cool but it won't work.  Bluetooth headsets (the ones for cell
phones anyway) compress the audio which is fine for phone calls but lousy
for SR.  Just think about it the Mic is not even in front of you mouth,
they're usually by your cheek.

If you're keen for wireless you'll have to do something like Britney or
Madonna these are good quality mic.s with nice transmitters.  You may not
have to spend as much as theirs but you get the idea you'll need excellent

Good Luck,

On 2/11/04 6:47 PM, "Christopher Gunty" <brain2much at mac.com> wrote:

> I¹m in the market for a bluetooth headset for my Ericsson T610 cellphone.
> And I was thinking, gee, if it would work well with iListen, that would be
> even better.
> Any suggestions out there for brands/models?
> I¹m running a Powerbook Aluminum 1.25 Ghz, OS X 10.3.2.
> Thanks,
> Chris

Frank Flynn
Poet, Artist & Mystic

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