[MV] new user needs help

Chuck Rogers thechuck at mac.com
Mon Jul 10 08:59:34 PDT 2006

Damien (and everyone else):

Version 1.7 can be set up in as little as 5 minutes. I have done  
several presentations in Apple stores where I set up a brand new  
profile in 4 minutes from start to finish (not including installation  
of the software), and I get 95-96 percent accuracy consistently after  
only 4 minutes of training.

Correction hasn't changed, but, ironically, we have received a couple  
of messages in the past few weeks from former Dragon users who say  
they like the way we do it better.

The issue with Correction is actually pretty simple: Dragon allows  
you to select a word inside an application and the choice list pops  
up when you do this. The problem is that you can't do this in  
absolutely any application on Windows - only those that Dragon can  
work with in this way.

Our solution is to present the user with a Correction window - sort  
of like a story editor in a page layout program - where you perform  
the corrections. This method allows you to perform Corrections  
regardless of what application you are using. Many Dragon users  
prefer the way Dragon does it and either don't use non-supported  
apps, or are OK with that limitation. As we have seen, some Dragon  
users actually prefer the way we do it.

The issue is mostly one of preference. Ironically, many of those who  
used iListen and then switched to Dragon after being told how much  
better it is have come back to us with exactly the same complaint:  
only they say that they couldn't get used to the way Dragon does  
things and prefer our way. This has led us to believe that what you  
learned first has a lot to do with what you prefer.

Best Regards,

Chuck Rogers

On Jul 10, 2006, at 10:47 AM, Damien Fox wrote:

> good to hear it.  i love what you guys are doing, i would like to  
> help if i could.
> but...
> training time
> correction
> accuracy
> could you elaborate on these specific improvements, where Dragon  
> was ahead (as ahead as they can be on Win platform... ;-) )
> -damien
> On Jul 10, 2006, at 11:42 AM, Chuck Rogers wrote:
>> Damien (and everyone else).
>> Version 1.7 has closed the gap between iListen and Dragon  
>> NaturallySpeaking considerably.
>> Best Regards,
>> Chuck Rogers
>> On Jul 10, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Damien Fox wrote:
>>> hate to say it ( ilove my mac) but try Dragon 8 pro for  
>>> windows...  it works for me about 10x better, on lesser  
>>> hardware.  i support macspeech totally, but health comes before  
>>> computer allegiance.
>>> regards,
>>> -damien fox
>>> On Jul 10, 2006, at 11:20 AM, Freund, Alice wrote:
>>>> Hi to everyone on the list. Im a brand new subscriber. My  
>>>> daughter developed carpel tunnel and is about to go away to  
>>>> college. I just bought her iListen 1.7and she is struggling with  
>>>> it. Does anyone know of any consultants in northern New Jersey  
>>>> who might be able to assist her.
>>>> I just ordered the tutorial, so that may help as well.
>>>> Thanks you in advance, Alice Freund
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