[MV] Re: [MacSpeech-Support] MacSpeech, Inc. Releases iListen 1.8

Support Manager support-manager at macspeech.com
Sat Dec 1 15:04:49 PST 2007

Michael (and everyone else):

Version 1.8 handles audio much differently than any other version of  
iListen. It must in order to work under Leopard. Overcompensation due  
to reading too many training stories has always been a potential  
problem with iListen. It's *possible* that the audio changes in 1.8  
increase the likelihood of this happening.

Whenever you create a new voice profile I *strongly* urge you to  
follow the guidelines from this article in our knowledge base:

TIP: Creating a Good Voice Profile

Technical Support Manager
MacSpeech, Inc.

Check out our online Helpdesk at:

On Dec 1, 2007, at 12:38 PM, Dr. Michael A. Riccioli wrote:

> The update procedure went very well on my 24-inch iMac (Oct2007) +  
> Leopard.
> I read all the pages and created a new Voice file but the overall  
> result is not as good as when I was using Version 1.68

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