[MV] Continuous Speech and Mac OSX Math library and Accelerate.framework Feature Requests

John F. Richardson richards at spawar.navy.mil
Wed Feb 21 16:19:11 PST 2007


There was a recent call for feature requests from the apple staff related to
the Math library and Accelerate.framwork. The call appeared on the Scitech

I put in a feature request for enhanced continuous speech support. However,
I'm not an expert, so I'll mention the request and if there are errors I'll
correct them. Also, technical references for any issue on continuous speech
algorithms for inclusion in OSX to help the apple staff would be nice. (sort
of like the ACM number for it's official HMM algorithm,...)

1) I requested Hidden Markov Model support in the math library and / or
Accelerate.framework. I figured that this would help speech coders and also
might help the general statistics support in 0SX.

2) I also suggested that Apple integrate the core engine of one of the
mainstream speech recognition engines into the OS. I use iListen
occasionally for research and human factors so I suggested the Phillips
engine a little more strongly than other engines.

So, if people in the know, have a particular statistics algorithm other than
HMM that would be a "killer alg(gorithm)" for the SciTech and Speech
community, I suggest that you file a feature request. I can also add it to
my request.

Just an FYI. The list has been jumping lately,(COMMA) and the call appeared,
(COMMA)and the motivation was palpable.(DOT).(DOT).(DOT)

John F. Richardson

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