[MV] ViaVoice and Leopard?

M Young m.young at mac.com
Sun Oct 28 14:59:44 PDT 2007

Hello Ric,

Is ViaVoice for OS X still being actively developed? I thought it was  
not, although it is apparently still for sale. <http://www.nuance.com/ 

Personally, I would try to find another VR tool (such as iListen, if  
it meets your needs, and you don't want to do the Dragon Window  
dance) or not bother with Leopard until the OS has been out for a  
while and someone else plays the guinea pig to let you know that  
ViaVoice will work under Leopard.

Best of luck,


On Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 14:09:16 -0700 Ric Barline wrote:
> Does anyone know whether or not ViaVoice, which is currently working
> well for me in Tiger, is expected to work in Leopard? Thanks!
> Ric Barline
> EdTech Consultants
> rbarline at mac.com
> 408-262-5418 (office)
> 408-605-8220 (cell)

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