[MV] Nuance Dictate

Randy B. Singer randy at macattorney.com
Thu Apr 14 14:59:33 PDT 2011

On Apr 14, 2011, at 1:42 PM, Gerald Eddins wrote:

> Dragon Dictate sucks. Tell 'em not to get it. Horrible customer  
> service. Bought & can't use it.  Totally un-Mac-like.

I appreciate the feedback, but it's not very helpful.

How does Dragon Dictate "suck"?  Does it "suck" for just you, or do  
you know of others who have been unable to use it?

How is it "totally un-Mac-like"?  What would a Mac-like dictation  
application be like?

What was your experience with Nuance customer service?

Randy B. Singer
Attorney at Law

Author of: The Macintosh Software Guide for the Law Office

Webmaster of: The Macintosh Law Office Software List

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