[MV] Will DD3 REALLY work on Mavericks?

David Delmonte ddelmonte at mac.com
Thu Feb 27 01:38:49 PST 2014

Recently, this group has not been so active. You might want to try on AskDifferent - here: http://apple.stackexchange.com or here (link)

On Feb 27, 2014, at 4:25 AM, Michael Gherrity <mike at gherrity.org> wrote:


I've read lots of horror stories on the Nuance support site about how DD3 crashes when run on Mavericks. That would be disastrous for me since I would have to wait for somebody to start Dragon Dictate (I'm quadriplegic). Are these stories typical or outliers? I'm running Dragon Dictate version 3.0.3 on Lion and although it's restarted once a day it only crashes about once every three months. Can I expect the same for Mavericks? I use the Terminal application a lot for my Java programs.

I have a 2009 Mac Pro with 8GB of memory.


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