[Ti] That OS9, OSX, Quark issue

Michael Bigley wakinyan at fuse.net
Fri Dec 13 14:09:39 PST 2002

>I came across this off of the ThinkSecret pages (often rumour-based like any
>of the 'Insider' pages). Does anyone know if this took place? This is just
>the kind of thing that will ram that $1100 InDesign right to the top of my
>Xmas wishlist.

InDesign is only $699 and there are bundle and competitive upgrade 
deals if you search for them.

>"Several of the Quark clients called were attendees of a conference held by
>Quark in New York last month, in which CEO Fred Ebrahimi disparaged the Mac
>platform and struck back at critics of Quark's sluggish OS X pace. "The Mac
>platform is shrinking" and users dissatisfied with Quark's Mac efforts
>should "switch to something else," he told the assembled guests, most of
>whom were shocked by his comments and left the session early. When news of
>Ebrahimi's remarks leaked, Quark's public relations department addressed the
>subject in an email, but the company didn't dispute that the quotes were
>true, and in fact supported Ebrahimi's claim that fewer publishers are
>purchasing Macs. "With respect to Mac OS, our market data indicates that
>fewer publishers are purchasing Macs," said Quark communications manager
>Glen Turpin, "and more of our Mac-using customers are considering switching
>to Windows." These recent calls to attendees may be some form of damage

Fred Ebrahimi has a long history of publicly insulting his customers, 
so none of those comments would surprise me. That is also reflected 
in Quark's rude customer support system. I am sure they Mac market in 
publishing is diminishing for them as InDesign is becoming the 
publishing standard while Fred continues to lambast his employees, 
customers and vendors.
Mike Bigley                Maineville, Ohio
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