[Ti] Nokia 3360 IRDA modem connect

Colin McDonald cmmcdonald at mac.com
Sun Dec 15 10:20:38 PST 2002

on 1/12/02 4:08, Ed Blinn at eblinn at sbcglobal.net wrote:

> Yes, any and ALL info would be helpful..
> On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 01:19 PM, Colin McDonald wrote:

>> I got a Nokia 8310 to connect almost instantly with my TiBook - it
>> works fine with the same dialup number as the normal cable connection.
>> I can tell you how I did it if that's any good?

Sorry for the long delay - been very busy.

OK here goes:

I use the Location Manager quite a bit for different internet access -
ethernet at work, cable connection from home - and various printers .

I got a Nokia 8310 for one of my kids a few months back. I noticed it had an
Infrared Port so I 

[STEP 1] activated the phone's IR port and

[STEP 2] stuck it behind my G4 Powerbook 667 pointing at the IR port, then

[STEP 3] opened the Powerbook  InfraRed control Panel.

 I was surprised (why?) and pleased when the phone was recognised instantly
and correctly identified as a Nokia 8310 by the Mac's IR control panel.

Being at home, the Powerbook was already using my 'Home' location (set up
for internet access via the internal modem via a cable to the BT telephone
socket).  I then 

[STEP 4] opened the Location Manager via the control strip and

[STEP 5] duplicated my 'Home' location, calling the new Location 'IR Nokia'

I then 

[STEP 6] selected 'Edit Location' for the new 'IR Nokia' Location and

[STEP 7] opened the Modem control panel (Apple Menu) and

[STEP 8] selected 'Infrared Port' under the 'Connect via' popup then

[STEP 9] selected 'Nokia Infrared' under the ' Setup - Modem' popup then

[STEP 10] closed the Modem Control Panel window and saved changes when
prompted then

[STEP 11] Switched to the new 'IR Nokia'  location just set up then

[STEP 12] Selected 'Connect' in the Modem Control Strip Module

It connected to my usual  ISP via the phone within a few seconds.

Simpler than it looks above!

It took me under 2 minutes - start to finish.

Sorry its so late and hope it helps.

Colin McDonald.


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