Daniel Borge <dani@borgepalace.com>

Massimo Marino Massimo_Marino at lbl.gov
Mon Dec 16 00:13:31 PST 2002

Don;t know exactly, will ask, but to support your perception my brother 
(on XP) moved to an AMD board (probably the same as yours: this 1200 
number rings a bell) and he says it has been a quantum leap forward wrt 
to the old Intel chip (a ~1GHz)

The con with PCs (although PC users in general say it is a pro) is that 
you cannot count on *a* configuration which will work and perfectly 
tuned with your OS. On paper same specs may gibe their users totally 
different experiences.
I agree with you that a crap PC is by far more easier to be trapped 
into than a crap Mac: a Mac is a Mac is a Mac. Like it or not you know 
exactly what you get: no bad surprises.

Looks like your PC is giving you a taste of a Mac experience ;-)

On Sunday, December 15, 2002, at 08:01 PM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List 

> Message-ID: <3DFCB439.7030107 at borgepalace.com>
> Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:56:25 +0100
> From: Daniel Borge <dani at borgepalace.com>
> Subject: [Ti] x86 vs ppc
> Hi guys, Not to be nitpicking here, but there are big differences btw
> winXP pc's too... Mine AMD 1200 have no problem to rip a CD and listen
> to it at the same time (using RealPlayer One which is a great & nice
> looking program too... hehe) and there are absoultely no "hangs" when I
> browse on the net, download doozen files from Kazaa and watch a divx
> film at the same time... Wounder what crap pc's u'r friends have :)
> since my 1 & 1/2 year old pc can do all this. Daniel

Massimo Marino
NERSC Division - HPC Department
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 
On leave at CERN, CH, EP Division, Atlas experiment
phone: (+41) 22 767-1288 fax: (+41) 22 767-8350 Office: 40-3-D16
alternate email: marino at slac.stanford.edu, marino at mail.cern.ch, 
Massimo.Marino at cern.ch

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