[Ti] Spilt juice!!...cannot compute!!

paulatx1 at aol.com paulatx1 at aol.com
Tue Dec 24 16:00:51 PST 2002

In a message dated 12/24/2002 12:27:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, dfz at mac.com writes:

> It's likely to come under the deductible anyway, and remember, the more 
> claims you make on your homeowners policy, the more likely they are to drop 
> you and you get stuck in a very expensive state risk pool. Only make 
> homeowners claims on things that are really serious and big 
> dollars.

I thought we were talking a Titanium computer here.  I paid $3000  for mine...that's no where near the $200 deductible on my homeowners policy.  And a BIG insurance claim (say  the house burned down)  is more likely to get you assigned a higher insurance risk rate  than several smaller claims [or so says an agent in the great insurance sinkhole known as Texas].
And while we are talking insurance, I still maintain  it's a good idea to have supplemental insurance on computers and software.  The supplement insurance is less than $100 year.  And if someone walks off with my computer and my Pagemaker and InDesign and Photoshop stuff...I won't have to rob a bank to replace everything.  You can also get extra insurance for stereo or video equipment, art collections, etc.
       Merry Christmas, y'all!

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