AirPort Base Station Radiation Patern

Daniel L Kegan, Kegan & Kegan, Ltd. daniel at
Sat Nov 23 13:10:30 PST 2002

Curious about Airport radiation and reception pattern.

Most radio signals broadcast in three dimensions with different strength
(and more signal strength in one direction usually means relatively less in another--
for the same total power);
likewise most audio microphones receive sound with differential sensitivity in different directions.

The AirPort Base Station is shaped like a flat triangle, with the wired ports on one side.
Base Station could be set up horizontal, on a table (with ports facing eg N S E or W),
vertical on a wall or post and aligned eg NSouth or EWest.

Anyone know what the designed 3D radiation pattern is in the AirPort Base station?

(BTW, quite liberating feeling to walk a wireless (battery, AirPort) Ti PowerBook
to another room, displaying interactively dynamic Web pages.)

wired ports
  \         /
    \     /
      \ /

Daniel Kegan, lapsed EE * daniel at * Kegan & Kegan, Ltd
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